sigh what’s up guys

Been feeling down lately for no good reason really. 😦  Well I guess it’s just some stuff is happening, but it’s so petty that it makes me feel worse. Like just people that I talked to all the time aren’t talking to me as much any more, and it’s saddening. I like keeping up with […]

I am back wonderful net

ahh the new modem is in and everything should be perfect again! (knock on wood!) feels good to have the internet back, I’m definitely obsessed.. oh well.. eue I’m going to dye my hair tomorrow! Red on the top half and purple on the bottom half. It certainly took me long enough to decide what […]

Bad internet forgive me!

I haven’t been able to post at all lately ;~; our internet is awful lately, and we’re gettting a new modem soon so yeah. I will post more when the internet is happy again!  School is out! So happy about that. Well it’s really the holidays after tomorrow (Friday) but I’m taking the day off […]

Energy drinks wow never again except for emergencies…

So I got home from school one afternoon, I think the other day actually! And I wanted to test whether energy drinks actually affected you at all, or if it was all just a bit hyped up. I drank a can, and felt SO TIRED. I wasn’t even that energetic, I expected that I would […]